***This is a first draft of text that will grow into a book about Tantric Kindness***
The Book is devoted to all people who want to experience “Loving Kindness”. To all people who walk the Tantric path.
All that is not here is nowhere. All that is not now is never. So only here and now we can experience life.
Tantra gives us tools and theory to experience the here and now. Tantra works on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. Tantra is old... very old. Tantra has a lot of different meanings. Most people who work with tantra find their own words. So ask anyone who practices tantra and you get her or his story. This is fun. This is life. We all live our own life's.
This writing will give images of tantra. Of what tantra can be to you. Of what tantra has been for me.
All that is not here is nowhere.. So we don't have to travel. We only have to be here.
All that is not now is never. So we don't have to wait. We can do it now. Now! NOW!.. wow
And that is the biggest challenge of tantra.. to do it here and now. To start. To act. To experience. To enjoy. To be. To love. To be kind to yourself and to be kind to others.
Kindness is the core. Smile. A smile relaxes the face. It opens the heart. It lets the energy flow.
Kindness to myself. Kindness to my lover, to my family, to my neighbors, to people i meet, to animals, to all “sentient beings”. To earth, nature.. just kindness.
Tantra is about energy. About how to let the energy flow. How to open up for the energy. How to enjoy. How to be together.
Tantra is about joy.
The old books speak about tantra in relation to “weaving”. We weave the web of life. Like a piece of texture. We use all and everything that crosses our path. The good and the bad. The ugly and the beautiful. We take it. We smile at it. And we open up our heart in kindness.
The old books speak about paths. The left and the right path. The left path being the dangerous and so the most interesting path. The left path, the “Vama Maga”, where we use sexual energy to light our fires and clean our systems. The right path being the implicit path. No sexual intercourse, slower, decent.
Her we take no left no right.. We just go. We take whatever comes across. We do. And we do in kindness. People from the books would probably call it “quite leftish”. And we just smile.
Some say: “In tantra everything is holy. Nothing is unholy”. Here we say. Nothing is holy. There is no holiness. There is just here and now. And there is kindness. So everything and evryone is welcome.
Some books are written about “Tantric Sex” or “Sexual Ecstasy”. Hmmmmm that is very nice. We will enjoy our sexual ecstasy ohh yes. We will walk the path and enjoy our exercises. And we will do it now. So lets start.
Tantra is called the fast path to enlightenment. Well.. I don't know. If this heaven on earth is enlightenment then tantra leads to it. Because we will experience heaven on earth.
We will talk about sex. We will talk about our family, our parents, our children. We will talk about our roots our heritage. Tantra just opens up for it.
We will talk about Yoga, tai chi, Kundalini, Chakra’s, Chi Qung, Tao, Buddhism, the African Bushmen, the Osho people, Bodywork, Reich, Jung, Freud, The Margo Anand family, the neo and orthodox tantrics. We will talk about energy. And we will be kind. To them all. We will respect their work and their ideas. We will respect their experience. And we will open up for their learnings.
We will use Kriya yoga. Hatha yoga, Raya Yoga, tantric yoga, Mantra yoga, Mandala’s, Porn, Erotics and BDSM. Ohh yes even the darkest corners of humankind can teach us about tantra. Dantes inferno is a friendly place compared with the dark corners of our own mind and body. And we will be kind to the darkness. We will smile at the devil and invite him for a cup of tea.
He will ask us to sell him our soul. And we will smile and tell him he already bought Mr Faust’s and that will do.
We can look at the big thinkers. Nietzsche, Plato, Lao Tse, Sartre and Schopenhauer and many many more And respect their wisdom. We can listen to them, sit at their feet, stand at their shoulders, jump off and wander on. We can enjoy the spring breeze and winter cold, smile, open our hearts and enjoy the flow of kindness.
Ohhhh yes.. there is a lot of technique. The Yab Yum, the breathing, the daily devotion, the big draw. the inner flute. We will look at the list of nice books and resources at the end. Lots of good stuff. Nice to read. Nice to get lost in too.
So we will stay with ourselves mostly. We will feel what we experience. We will look at ourselves.
And my friends. That will take a while. We do it now. But we will chain our “nows” together. We will build our life's as a “mala”. A chain of events. A chain of blissfull moments.
We are in a hurry. So we will slow down. We have no moment to spare so we will take the rest of our life's.
This is the project for the rest of your life. Period. No more no less
Structure. O yes there is structure. The chapters will be well structured. They will deal with all aspects mentioned above and will help you to sort out your frame of reference.
The language we use here is simple. Simple words, meant for your head, heart, body and spirit.
Tantra is about practice. Most books will tell you something like “an ounce of practice is more valuable than a ton of theory”. That is true and not true. Some of us will only use practice to get there (wherever it is). Some of us need their mind. Some of us need their emotions and relationships.
Tantra is for all types of people, but not for many. Tantra is not (yet) the path for the mass. Many are called, few are chosen. We will experience Bliss, Totality, Enlightenment. We will experience it all. And we will have to work for it. And we will have to work hard.
Tantra is about paradoxes. The paradox of “Wu Wei”. Doing without doing. Concentrate and letting go the same time. And the key to this silly world of non-logic is Kindness.
Hence Tantric Kindness. The short path to enlightenment that takes the rest of our lifes.
Exercise 1
Stand, sit or lay down. With attention. With awareness. Let your awareness travel through your body.
Breath. Open up your belly. Lay your hand on your belly and feel it move. Listen to your breathing. Follow your breathing going in and out.
Smile. Bring a smile to your face. Just one smile relaxes the dozens of muscles in your face. Let the smile be gentle. Soften your eyes.
Let the smile travel to your heart. Open your heart. The smile relaxes your heart. Breath and open up
This is the basic exercise. Whenever you think about it do this. Sit, stand, walk, drive your car, watch tv, make love. Do this exercise. Breath, smile and open your heart. Simple, but very effective.
Tantric Sex
Of course we start with Tantric Sex. Thats what we want to hear about don't we? How to get better orgasms? Longer lasting? Becoming orgasmic for the rest of our life's?
Well maybe. We use sexual energy. The Taoist tell us that sexual energy is the strongest life force. The only energy even we can make ourselves. We can produce energy using sexual encounters. And then there is still so much else in life. Music. Art. Sports. They can bring excitement too. Well lets say all the energy brought by those practices is sexual too. So then we can safely start with sex.
If you make love next time. Try this. Do it slowly. Do it twice as slow as you think you could do it. And slow down then.
To be continued..... *hugs* Tara
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